Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Snowe Goes

            Robert A. Levine   2/28/12
Another centrist bites the dust. Olympia Snowe is retiring. What happened to the big tent of the Republican Party?

BobLevine There was a time when New England Republican was a badge of honor indicating a pragmatic approach to politics; generally conservative from a fiscal standpoint and moderate socially. Indeed, the Republicans were the default choice throughout New England for much of the last century and a half. Now unfortunately, they are a dying breed, with Susan Collins of Maine and Scott Brown of Massachusetts the vestigial remnants of a once-strong political animal.

The conservatives will laud Snowe’s retirement as showing their success in pushing out the RINOs (Republicans in name only) out of the Republican Party. However, it will make it more difficult for them to hold the Senate and probably the House, as independents will be turned off by a further swing to the right.

Perhaps this reinforces the need for a third party of the center, to attract all those RINOs, centrist Democrats and independents who are unhappy with the choices now open to them.

Resurrecting Democracy

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